Friday, December 14, 2012

textures for short project

The pictures you see here are of several objects in my scene. The cobblestone pathway was probably my favorite texture. I just used the leather texture and ramped up the size and then for the colors i used one blank color for the grout and i used the granite texture to make it look more like a rock. I upped the randomness just a little to make it look angular but still random and I gave it a bump map. The tree texture was made by taking a stucco texture, messing with it a bit, and then giving it a bump map. The wood on the bench was made by taking my previously used wood texture from the long project that I made and making it look more grainy with a bump map. I like bump maps as you can see... hehehe.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Computer Texture

I used the projection map to put this on the computer. The Computer Unit needs to be remodeled so im going to give that to Dakota.

Blackboard Textured

I textured most of the black board added a ton of detail that you cant see here and made the projection picture on paint tool Sai.

Craig's School Pictures

Okay so Brandon helped with the texturing around the frames but we went with the wood photoshop texture that i did earlier due to problems with the file and then i added the phong textures to give them the reflective look that you cannot see in this light. I added projections with the help of Stebbins. Thanks Peso Stebbins!

Saturday, November 3, 2012

I Think I'm Getting Better

                                                 I LOVE SAI PAINT TOOL!!! <3

Friday, October 19, 2012

Just Bored...

I hate you.
I love how you say that.

Playing around with Sai Paint tool. Its the best! Original drawing with the referenced style of burdge_bug on

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Friday, October 5, 2012

short project environment model

So this is the environment Heather and I will be using for the short project. It took me less than a class period which I am thrilled about. I love how weird it all is. Now just to add the pictures in the picture frames...that could be a problem.

face modeling

Friday, September 28, 2012

screwdriver tutorial

This tutorial wanted to make me scream. NOT USER FRIENDLY. Not even friendly in general. grrrr. here it is. >:I    <<< that was my face the entire time.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Teacup Revision

Its Chip! No, I revised this and added an HDRI Map to help wth the reflectivity I really like this look better than the other teacup.

Lava Texture Tutorial

I finally got the bump map to work. This was fun! It wasn't hard just time consuming but I learned a lot about texturing. I hope this can be useful for the two week project!

Monday, September 24, 2012


I used the jellyfish tutorial. got bored. changed it up. added bubbles. NOW COMES IN RAINBOW! no squiddy things cause that looked overly compicated.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

scientist character concept art

but with less swag. did this for a friend, found it in old drawings thought this could be useful. face and body.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

teacup model and texture

MARK TALKED ME THROUGH THESE!!! I HAD LOTS OF HELP! i will post some with textures that I did on my own. and I like putting teacups in the middle of the ocean!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012


okay here it is our animatic for the story board part 2. Hope you all enjoy! So pretty much blob comes to life. Hes all like bored and then he sees the giant red button. Oh no. here we go. so anyway he launches himself to the button but ends up hitting the wall instead. peeling off he finally makes it to the button. so he presses it once and creates a brand new friend. then twice. okay two friends. and then he goes button happy and now has a whole state full of blobs. so anyway geek comes in and freaks out so he grabs his handy dandy fire extinguisher but at the last moment has a heartwarming moment and realizes he does have friends in this world.

textured dog

sorry Mrs. Klein. This is my worried looking split in half really tired chihuahua without eyelids. I only had today to texture him so im really sorry you had to see this...sorry...again...grrrrr.