Wednesday, May 22, 2013

My Tutorials...Kind of...

For my "tutorials" I made some sprites for a small app/game that I am collaborating with mark. I did the walk cycles and created a simple background. I still need to make some obstacles for him to jump over. I knew how to do sprites in the past but this was the first time I had to create frames for different animation cycles. It was all very simple and this is more for fun than work but here it is. The dinosaur has a few cycles that I did that were idle, walk, and something else but we just need the walk cycle.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

sky dome

this is the texture i made with just basic Photoshop brushes that I will apply to the sky dome to give the atmosphere a dark cloudy look.


These will appear when a new wave and a final wave is on its way. They both feature candies that I made on Photoshop with confetti to add to the festive theme of pinatas. They are on a transparent layer so it appears in the game as decorative floating text.

Bear Texture Update

I updated the bear texture and added highlights so it has more depth.

Friday, March 22, 2013

bear texturing

This is our sidekick bear we don't have a name yet for him. I just textured him like the others. His rig will be a bit more complicated and I hope the texture moves with him. I wanted him to be more complicated and brightly colored but he still has the effects of the pinata apocalypse...

little girl texture

If you are wondering it is because I can. I worked on her for about two days and the hardest part was getting the hair textures to line up around her head so she didn't look bald, creepy, or like Jim Carry from dumb and dumber. This lighting isn't very good but she still looks super creepy even when not in zombified form. I need to learn how to make skin look real because you cant really see it from further away but the skin up close has a lot of detail. I couldn't find a way to make her eyes look good. She is a man lady either way...

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

basement texturing!

This has been my work since skills to texture this basement pretty much completely with photoshop textures because there are issues with layered maya textures. I have made more photoshop textures than this but these are a few examples. I don't know if I have learned anything except that grime looks cool in basements. No I have learned that seamless textures are very hard to make correctly and that was kind of self learned. I am also trying to make the textures look more 3D by painting highlights and shadows onto them which I wasn't really doing before. Sorry I haven't turned in much stuff yet but the group really want's the basement to be textured completely and soon, so I am about 93% done with it and then I will go back and tweak and then on to something new. Most things in the basement if not all were photoshop textured including the tile floor :)