Tuesday, March 19, 2013

basement texturing!

This has been my work since skills to texture this basement pretty much completely with photoshop textures because there are issues with layered maya textures. I have made more photoshop textures than this but these are a few examples. I don't know if I have learned anything except that grime looks cool in basements. No I have learned that seamless textures are very hard to make correctly and that was kind of self learned. I am also trying to make the textures look more 3D by painting highlights and shadows onto them which I wasn't really doing before. Sorry I haven't turned in much stuff yet but the group really want's the basement to be textured completely and soon, so I am about 93% done with it and then I will go back and tweak and then on to something new. Most things in the basement if not all were photoshop textured including the tile floor :)

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