Monday, September 17, 2012

Blobby Character Sheet

Okay so here it is. This will probably be the better looking one so sorry about that. The scientist is still a bit fuzzy in my head even though Seth seems to have it all down I have no idea what he looks like. So here is Blobby, we still don't have a definite name for him yet. How sad. So I really wanted to have the modelers look at his body shape, especially the feet. They turn upwards a bit as shown in the bottom right hand corner. I did a close up of his face. His eye potrude a bit, and they are a bit almond shaped. His teeth, the right one is always bigger than his left tooth, because hes a mutant, and if you look at his arms they are a bit different length so keep that in mind. He has three fingers. His thumb placement follows human anatomy, and he is an expressive character, a comedian so make sure he looks the part.

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