Monday, February 4, 2013

Group Tutorial #1 Texturing

So this is the texture tutorial I kind of made up in order to create an awesome freaky bunny pinata for my group. I started off with the base that Travis gave me consisting of the little pinata confetti bits. I would map this under the UVs. The UV layer was a screen layer so I could turn it on and off when I needed and still see my work. I would then use  saturation/hue layers along with the polygonal selection tool to select areas and create maps for the ziz zag stripe and the arm layer. I used my knowledge of the tape tutorial from freshman year and I used that to create tape to hold the pinata together. Under the layer I added grime using transparency and I think either soft light or saturation layers. The teeth were my favorite part and the eyes which were basicly a black brush with a small white dot to make it creeeeepppyyyyy. The previous versions of the maps I used to find where things were going and to have a place holder.

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